EURASIP Open Library
Conference proceedings 1996-2017
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- Ahmad, Rehan
- Alon, David
- Antonacci, Fabio
- Antonello, Niccolò
- Benesty, Jacob
- Brookes, Mike
- Canclini, Antonio
- Cauchi, Benjamin
- Chambers, Jonathon
- Costa, Márcio
- Doclo, Simon
- Dogancay, Kutluyil
- Doire, Clement
- Dorfan, Yuval
- Eaton, James
- Evers, Christine
- Filos, Jason
- Forsyth, Neil
- Gannot, Sharon
- Gaubitch, Nikolay
- Gerkmann, Timo
- Goetze, Stefan
- Gudnason, Jon
- Habets, Emanuel
- Hafezi, Sina
- Hart, J.E.
- Hasan, Kamrul
- Hoya, Tetsuya
- Hu, Mathieu
- Jarrett, Daniel
- Javed, Hamza
- Jensen, Søren Holdt
- Jost, Uwe
- Kellermann, Walter
- Khong, Andy
- Lim, Felicia
- Lin, Xiang
- Loganathan, Pradeep
- Manna, Sumanna
- Maqsood, Hania
- Mintandjian, Laura
- Moonen, Marc
- Moore, Alastair
- Nelke, Christoph
- Neocleous, Andreas
- Papayiannis, Constantinos
- Peso Parada, Pablo
- Poddar, Alankrit
- Rafaely, Boaz
- Sarti, Augusto
- Sehr, Armin
- Sharma, Dushyant
- Skoglund, Jan
- Thomas, Mark
- Van Waterschoot, Toon
- Vary, Peter
- Ward, Darren
- Wen, Jimi
- Xue, Wei
- Zhang, Wancheng
All publications by Naylor, Patrick displayed in reverse chronological order (clear)
Robust Statistical Processing Of Tdoa Estimates For Distant Speaker Diarization
Authors (alphabetically): Naylor, Patrick; Peso Parada, Pablo; Sharma, Dushyant; Van Waterschoot, Toon;EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017
Non-Intrusive Bit-Rate Detection Of Coded Speech
Authors (alphabetically): Jost, Uwe; Naylor, Patrick; Sharma, Dushyant;EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017
Authors (alphabetically): Hafezi, Sina; Moore, Alastair; Naylor, Patrick;
EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017
Sparse Parametric Modeling Of The Early Part Of Acoustic Impulse Responses
Authors (alphabetically): Evers, Christine; Naylor, Patrick; Papayiannis, Constantinos;EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017
Authors (alphabetically): Brookes, Mike; Naylor, Patrick; Xue, Wei;
EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, 2016
2d Direction Of Arrival Estimation Of Multiple Moving Sources Using A Spherical Microphone Array
Authors (alphabetically): Evers, Christine; Moore, Alastair; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, 2016
Authors (alphabetically): Hafezi, Sina; Moore, Alastair; Naylor, Patrick;
EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, 2016
Localization Of Moving Microphone Arrays From Moving Sound Sources For Robot Audition
Authors (alphabetically): Evers, Christine; Moore, Alastair; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, 2016
Speaker Localization With Moving Microphone Arrays
Authors (alphabetically): Dorfan, Yuval; Evers, Christine; Gannot, Sharon; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, 2016
Noise Robust Blind System Identification Algorithms Based On A Rayleigh Quotient Cost Function
Authors (alphabetically): Brookes, Mike; Doclo, Simon; Hu, Mathieu; Naylor, Patrick; Sharma, Dushyant;EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015
An Extended Reverberation Decay Tail Metric As A Measure Of Perceived Late Reverberation
Authors (alphabetically): Javed, Hamza; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015
Data-Driven Statistical Modelling Of Room Impulse Responses In The Power Domain
Authors (alphabetically): Brookes, Mike; Doire, Clement; Jensen, Søren Holdt; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015
Corpus Based Reconstruction Of Speech Degraded By Wind Noise
Authors (alphabetically): Naylor, Patrick; Nelke, Christoph; Vary, Peter;EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015
Direction Of Arrival Estimation Using Pseudo-Intensity Vectors With Direct-Path Dominance Test
Authors (alphabetically): Alon, David; Evers, Christine; Moore, Alastair; Naylor, Patrick; Rafaely, Boaz;EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015
Modelling Source Directivity In Room Impulse Response Simulation For Spherical Microphone Arrays
Authors (alphabetically): Hafezi, Sina; Moore, Alastair; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015
Late Reverberant Spectral Variance Estimation Using Acoustic Channel Equalization
Authors (alphabetically): Cauchi, Benjamin; Doclo, Simon; Gerkmann, Timo; Goetze, Stefan; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015
The Sas Project: Speech Signal Processing In High School Education
Authors (alphabetically): Manna, Sumanna; Naylor, Patrick; Poddar, Alankrit; Sharma, Dushyant;EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015
Source Localization And Signal Reconstruction In A Reverberant Field Using The Fdtd Method
Authors (alphabetically): Antonello, Niccolò; Moonen, Marc; Naylor, Patrick; Van Waterschoot, Toon;EUSIPCO, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014
Ild Preservation In The Multichannel Wiener Filter For Binaural Hearing Aid Applications
Authors (alphabetically): Costa, Márcio; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014
An Analysis Of The Effect Of Larynx-Synchronous Averaging On Dereverberation Of Voiced Speech
Authors (alphabetically): Moore, Alastair; Naylor, Patrick; Skoglund, Jan;EUSIPCO, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014
Room Geometry Estimation From A Single Channel Acoustic Impulse Response
Authors (alphabetically): Brookes, Mike; Moore, Alastair; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, 2013
Non-Intrusive Speech Intelligibility Assessment
Authors (alphabetically): Brookes, Mike; Naylor, Patrick; Sharma, Dushyant;EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, 2013
Robust Speech Dereverberation Using Subband Multichannel Least Squares With Variable Relaxation
Authors (alphabetically): Lim, Felicia; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, 2013
A Comparison Of Non-Intrusive Snr Estimation Algorithms And The Use Of Mapping Functions
Authors (alphabetically): Brookes, Mike; Eaton, James; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, 2013
Detection Of Clipping In Coded Speech Signals
Authors (alphabetically): Eaton, James; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, 2013
Localization Of Planar Acoustic Reflectors From The Combination Of Linear Estimates
Authors (alphabetically): Antonacci, Fabio; Canclini, Antonio; Filos, Jason; Naylor, Patrick; Sarti, Augusto;EUSIPCO, Bucharest, Romania, 2012
Short-Time Objective Assessment Of Speech Quality
Authors (alphabetically): Brookes, Mike; Gaubitch, Nikolay; Naylor, Patrick; Sharma, Dushyant;EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
Robust Inference Of Room Geometry From Acoustic Measurements Using The Hough Transform
Authors (alphabetically): Antonacci, Fabio; Canclini, Antonio; Filos, Jason; Naylor, Patrick; Sarti, Augusto; Thomas, Mark;EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
Single-Microphone Blind Channel Identification In Speech Using Spectrum Classification
Authors (alphabetically): Brookes, Mike; Gaubitch, Nikolay; Naylor, Patrick; Sharma, Dushyant;EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
A Cross-Relation Based Affine Projection Algorithm For Blind Simo System Identification
Authors (alphabetically): Benesty, Jacob; Habets, Emanuel; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
3d Source Localization In The Spherical Harmonic Domain Using A Pseudointensity Vector
Authors (alphabetically): Habets, Emanuel; Jarrett, Daniel; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Aalborg, Denmark, 2010
Blind Channel Identification In Speech Using The Long-Term Average Speech Spectrum
Authors (alphabetically): Brookes, Mike; Gaubitch, Nikolay; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009
Authors (alphabetically): Naylor, Patrick; Sharma, Dushyant;
EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009
Authors (alphabetically): Naylor, Patrick; Zhang, Wancheng;
EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009
Detection Of Glottal Closing And Opening Instants Using An Improved Dypsa Framework
Authors (alphabetically): Gudnason, Jon; Naylor, Patrick; Thomas, Mark;EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009
Acoustic System Equalization Using Channel Shortening Techniques For Speech Dereverberation
Authors (alphabetically): Khong, Andy; Naylor, Patrick; Zhang, Wancheng;EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009
Authors (alphabetically): Kellermann, Walter; Naylor, Patrick; Sehr, Armin; Wen, Jimi;
EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009
Authors (alphabetically): Khong, Andy; Lin, Xiang; Loganathan, Pradeep; Naylor, Patrick;
EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009
Application Of The Dypsa Algorithm To Segmented Time Scale Modification Of Speech
Authors (alphabetically): Gudnason, Jon; Naylor, Patrick; Thomas, Mark;EUSIPCO, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2008
A Sparseness Controlled Proportionate Algorithm For Acoustic Echo Cancellation
Authors (alphabetically): Khong, Andy; Loganathan, Pradeep; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2008
Authors (alphabetically): Naylor, Patrick; Thomas, Mark;
EUSIPCO, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2008
Objective Measurement Of Colouration In Reverberation
Authors (alphabetically): Naylor, Patrick; Wen, Jimi;EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, 2007
Blind Speech Dereverberation In The Presence Of Common Acoustical Zeros
Authors (alphabetically): Gaubitch, Nikolay; Lin, Xiang; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, 2007
Authors (alphabetically): Gudnason, Jon; Maqsood, Hania; Naylor, Patrick;
EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, 2007
A Noise-Robust Dual Filter Approach To Multichannel Blind System Identification
Authors (alphabetically): Ahmad, Rehan; Gaubitch, Nikolay; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, 2007
Multichannel Dypsa For Estimation Of Glottal Closure Instants In Reverberant Speech
Authors (alphabetically): Gaubitch, Nikolay; Naylor, Patrick; Thomas, Mark;EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, 2007
Two-Stage Blind Identification Of Simo Systems With Common Zeros
Authors (alphabetically): Gaubitch, Nikolay; Lin, Xiang; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006
A Study Of Synchronous Convergence In Mu-Law Pnlms For Voice Over Ip
Authors (alphabetically): Mintandjian, Laura; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006
Effect Of Noise On Blind Adaptive Multichannel Identification Algorithms: Robustness Issue
Authors (alphabetically): Hasan, Kamrul; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006
An Extended Normalized Multichannel Flms Algorithm For Blind Channel Identification
Authors (alphabetically): Ahmad, Rehan; Hasan, Kamrul; Khong, Andy; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006
An Evaluation Measure For Reverberant Speech Using Tail Decay Modelling
Authors (alphabetically): Naylor, Patrick; Wen, Jimi;EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006
Recent Advances In Partial Update And Sparse Adaptive Filters
Authors (alphabetically): Dogancay, Kutluyil; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Antalya, Turkey, 2005
Improving Robustness Of Blind Adaptive Multichannel Identification Algorithms Using Constraints
Authors (alphabetically): Benesty, Jacob; Hasan, Kamrul; Naylor, Patrick; Ward, Darren;EUSIPCO, Antalya, Turkey, 2005
Adaptive Common Root Estimation And The Common Zeros Problem In Blind Channel Identification
Authors (alphabetically): Benesty, Jacob; Gaubitch, Nikolay; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Antalya, Turkey, 2005
Authors (alphabetically): Benesty, Jacob; Khong, Andy; Naylor, Patrick;
EUSIPCO, Antalya, Turkey, 2005
Authors (alphabetically): Khong, Andy; Naylor, Patrick;
EUSIPCO, Viena, Austria, 2004
Multi-Microphone Speech Dereverberation Using Spatio-Temporal Averaging
Authors (alphabetically): Gaubitch, Nikolay; Naylor, Patrick; Ward, Darren;EUSIPCO, Viena, Austria, 2004
Authors (alphabetically): Chambers, Jonathon; Forsyth, Neil; Hoya, Tetsuya; Naylor, Patrick;
EUSIPCO, Rhodes, Greece, 1998
Voice Source Parameters For Speaker Verification
Authors (alphabetically): Naylor, Patrick; Neocleous, Andreas;EUSIPCO, Rhodes, Greece, 1998
Subband Acoustic Echo Control Using Non-Critical Frequency Sampling
Authors (alphabetically): Hart, J.E.; Naylor, Patrick;EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, 1996