EURASIP Open Library
Conference proceedings 1996-2017
By Year
All publications by Harte, Naomi displayed in reverse chronological order (clear)
Automatic Frequency Feature Extraction For Bird Species Delimitation
Authors (alphabetically): Drennan, Regan; Harte, Naomi; Jancovic, Peter; Köküer, Münevver; O Reilly, Colm;EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017
Detecting Conversational Gaze Aversion Using Unsupervised Learning
Authors (alphabetically): Harte, Naomi; Roddy, Matthew;EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017
Late Integration Of Features For Acoustic Emotion Recognition
Authors (alphabetically): Cullen, Ailbhe; Harte, Naomi;EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, 2013
Viseme Definitions Comparison For Visual-Only Speech Recognition
Authors (alphabetically): Cappelletta, Luca; Harte, Naomi;EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
An Extended Multiresolution Approach To Mouth Specific Aam Fitting For Speech Recognition
Authors (alphabetically): Berry, Craig; Harte, Naomi; Kokaram, A.;EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
Authors (alphabetically): Harte, Naomi; Hines, Andrew;
EUSIPCO, Aalborg, Denmark, 2010
Automated Removal Of Overshoot Artefact From Images
Authors (alphabetically): Harte, Naomi; Kokaram, A.;EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006
A Novel Model For Phoneme Recognition Using Phonetically Derived Features
Authors (alphabetically): Harte, Naomi; McCourt, Paul; Vaseghi, Saeed;EUSIPCO, Rhodes, Greece, 1998