EURASIP Open Library

Conference proceedings 1996-2017

All publications by Chehdi, K. displayed in reverse chronological order (clear)

Blind Estimation Of Mixed Noise Parameters In Images Using Robust Regression Curve Fitting

Authors (alphabetically): Abramov, Sergey K.; Astola, J.; Chehdi, K.; Lukin, V.; Vozel, BenoIT; Zabrodina, Victoria;

EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011

Unsupervised Variational Classification Through Image Multi-Thresholding

Authors (alphabetically): Chehdi, K.; Klaine, Luc; Vozel, BenoIT;

EUSIPCO, Antalya, Turkey, 2005

Application To Multispectral Images Of A Blind Identification System For Blur, Additive, Multiplicative And Impulse Noises

Authors (alphabetically): Carton-Vandecandelaere, Marie-Paule; Chehdi, K.; Klaine, Luc; Vozel, BenoIT;

EUSIPCO, Toulouse, France, 2002

Segmentation Of Fractal Objects : Application To The Measure Of Algae Deposit Density In The ''Green Tide'' Phenomenon

Authors (alphabetically): Cariou, C.; Chehdi, K.;

EUSIPCO, Toulouse, France, 2002

Blind Identification Of Degradations Using Ascendant Hierarchical Classification

Authors (alphabetically): Berrtc-Lasti, Nathalie; Carton-Vandecandelaere, Marie-Paule; Chehdi, K.; Vozel, BenoIT;

EUSIPCO, Tampere, Finland, 2000

Recognition Of Rotated And Scaled Textures Using 2-D Ar Modeling And The Fourier-Mellin Transform

Authors (alphabetically): Alata, O.; Cariou, C.; Chehdi, K.; Ogier, J.-M.; Rosenberger, C.;

EUSIPCO, Rhodes, Greece, 1998

Identification Of A Degraded Image By A Multiplicative Or Additive Noise

Authors (alphabetically): Beaurepaire, L.; Chehdi, K.;

EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, 1996

Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using 2-D Ar Modeling And A Stochastic Version Of The Em Procedure

Authors (alphabetically): Cariou, C.; Chehdi, K.;

EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, 1996