EURASIP Open Library
Conference proceedings 1996-2017
By Year
All publications by Mateos, Javier displayed in reverse chronological order (clear)
Parameter Estimation In Spike And Slab Variational Inference For Blind Image Deconvolution
Authors (alphabetically): Katsaggelos, Aggelos; Mateos, Javier; Molina, Rafael; Serra, Juan;EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017
Image Deblurring Combining Poisson Singular Integral And Total Variation Prior Models
Authors (alphabetically): Katsaggelos, Aggelos; Madero Orozco, Hiram; Mateos, Javier; Molina, Rafael; Ruiz, Pablo;EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, 2013
Light Field Acquisition From Blurred Observations Using A Programmable Coded Aperture Camera
Authors (alphabetically): Cárdenas, María; Katsaggelos, Aggelos; Mateos, Javier; Molina, Rafael; Nakajima, Shinichi; Ruiz, Pablo;EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, 2013
Upsampling And Denoising Of Depth Maps Via Joint-Segmentation
Authors (alphabetically): Babacan, Sevket Derin; Do, Minh; Katsaggelos, Aggelos; Mateos, Javier; Molina, Rafael; Tallón, Miguel;EUSIPCO, Bucharest, Romania, 2012
Space-Variant Kernel Deconvolution For Dual Exposure Problem
Authors (alphabetically): Babacan, Sevket Derin; Katsaggelos, Aggelos; Mateos, Javier; Molina, Rafael; Tallón, Miguel;EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
Parameter Estimation In The General Contourlet Pansharpening Method Using Bayesian Inference
Authors (alphabetically): Amro, Israa; Mateos, Javier; Vega, MIguel;EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
Combining Observation Models In Dual Exposure Problems Using The Kullback-Leibler Divergence
Authors (alphabetically): Mateos, Javier; Tallón, Miguel;EUSIPCO, Aalborg, Denmark, 2010
Super Resolution Of Multispectral Images Using Locally Adaptive Models
Authors (alphabetically): Katsaggelos, Aggelos; Mateos, Javier; Molina, Rafael; Vega, MIguel;EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, 2007
Hierarchical Bayesian Super Resolution Reconstruction Of Multispectral Images
Authors (alphabetically): Katsaggelos, Aggelos; Mateos, Javier; Molina, Rafael; Vega, MIguel;EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006
Color Image Restoration Using Compound Gauss-Markov Random Fields
Authors (alphabetically): Katsaggelos, Aggelos; Mateos, Javier; Molina, Rafael;EUSIPCO, Tampere, Finland, 2000
High-Resolution Color Image Reconstruction From Compressed Video Sequences
Authors (alphabetically): Katsaggelos, Aggelos; Mateos, Javier; Molina, Rafael;EUSIPCO, Tampere, Finland, 2000