EURASIP Open Library

Conference proceedings 1996-2017

All publications by Constantinides, A.G. displayed in reverse chronological order (clear)

Bandwidth Efficient Localization For Sustainable And Safe Building Environments

Authors (alphabetically): Constantinides, A.G.; Kalis, Antonis; Kounoudes, Anastasis; Milis, Marios;

EUSIPCO, Marrakech, Morocco, 2013

Sequential Wireless Sensor Network Discovery Using Wide Aperture Array Signal Processing

Authors (alphabetically): Banavar, Mahesh; Constantinides, A.G.; Manikas, Athanassios; Spanias, Andreas; Tepedelenlioglu, Cihan; Thornton, Trevor; Willerton, Marc; Yeatman, Eric; Zhang, Xue;

EUSIPCO, Bucharest, Romania, 2012

Resolving Manifold Ambiguities In Direction Finding Systems

Authors (alphabetically): Constantinides, A.G.; Manikas, Athanassios; Supakwong, Supawat;

EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, 2007

Adaptive Volterra Parameter Estimation Using A Zero Tolerance Optimisation Formulation

Authors (alphabetically): Constantinides, A.G.; Stathaki, Tania; Stathakis, Georgios;

EUSIPCO, Tampere, Finland, 2000

The Endomorphic Model: An Approach To Adaptive Prediction

Authors (alphabetically): Constantinides, A.G.; Korale, Asoka;

EUSIPCO, Tampere, Finland, 2000

A Constant Modulus Array For Real Signals

Authors (alphabetically): Chambers, Jonathon; Constantinides, A.G.; Lambotharan, S.; Pora, W.;

EUSIPCO, Rhodes, Greece, 1998

Filtering By Approximated Densities Applied To Texture Modelling For Mammography

Authors (alphabetically): Constantinides, A.G.; Ruiz, V.;

EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, 1996

Residual Signal In Sub-Band Acoustic Echo Cancellers

Authors (alphabetically): Baykal, B.; Chambers, Jonathon; Constantinides, A.G.; Tanrikulu, O.;

EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, 1996

Asymptotic Analysis Of The Underdetermined Recursive Least-Squares Algorithm

Authors (alphabetically): Baykal, B.; Constantinides, A.G.; Tanrikulu, O.;

EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, 1996

A New Robust Adaptive Step Size Lms Algorithm

Authors (alphabetically): Constantinides, A.G.; Pazaitis, D.I.;

EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, 1996