EURASIP Open Library

Conference proceedings 1996-2017

All publications by Thompson, John displayed in reverse chronological order (clear)

Distributed Computational Load Balancing For Real-Time Applications

Authors (alphabetically): Hopgood, James; Sthapit, Saurav; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017

A Sequential Constraint Relaxation Algorithm For Rank-One Constrained Problems

Authors (alphabetically): Cao, Pan; Poor, H. Vincent; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017

Learning Fast Sparsifying Overcomplete Dictionaries

Authors (alphabetically): Rusu, Cristian; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017

On The Use Of Tight Frames For Optimal Sensor Placement In Time-Difference Of Arrival Localization

Authors (alphabetically): Rusu, Cristian; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Kos island, Greece, 2017

A New Approach For Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing And Modelling For Signals From Gel Electrophoresis

Authors (alphabetically): Davies, Mike; Hopgood, James; Thompson, John; Yousif, Ebtihal;

EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, 2016

Offloading To Neighbouring Nodes In Smart Camera Network

Authors (alphabetically): Hopgood, James; Robertson, Neil; Sthapit, Saurav; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, 2016

Capacity Evaluation With Channel Estimation Error For The Decode-And-Forward Relay Plc Networks

Authors (alphabetically): Tan, Bo; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011

Path Tracing In Tor Networks

Authors (alphabetically): Johnson, Nick; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Aalborg, Denmark, 2010

Practical Compress-And-Forward Cooperation For The Classical Relay Network

Authors (alphabetically): Goertz, Norbert; Grant, P.M.; Jiang, Jing; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009

An Improved Sphere Decoding Scheme For Mimo Systems Using An Adaptive Statistical Threshold

Authors (alphabetically): Thompson, John; Wallace, Andrew; Wu, Xiang;

EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009

Parallel Markov Chain Monte Carlo Computation For Varying-Dimension Signal Analysis

Authors (alphabetically): Thompson, John; Wallace, Andrew; Ye, Jing;

EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009

A Comparison Of Some Bottleneck-Link Detection Methods For Network Tomography

Authors (alphabetically): Garcia, Francisco; Johnson, Nick; McLaughlin, Steve; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009

Fixed-Complexity Regularized Vector Precoding For The Multiuser Mimo Downlink Channel

Authors (alphabetically): Barrenechea, Maitane; Del Ser, Javier; Mendicute, Mikel; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009

Ergodic Capacity Of Block-Fading Gaussian Broadcast And Multi-Access Channels For Single-User-Selection And Constant-Power

Authors (alphabetically): Shaqfeh, Mohammad; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009

Real-Time Implementation Of A Sphere Decoder-Based Mimo Wireless System

Authors (alphabetically): Altuna, Jon; Atxa, Vicente; Barbero, Luis; Landaburu, Gorka; Mendicute, Mikel; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006

Performance Of Frequency-Domain Mimo Equalization For Cyclic-Prefixed Single-Carrier Spatial Multiplexing

Authors (alphabetically): Altuna, Jon; Atxa, Vicente; Mendicute, Mikel; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Viena, Austria, 2004

Advanced Dsp For Improved Wireless Accass In Mobile Communications

Authors (alphabetically): Al-susa, Emad; Chong, Chia; Grant, P.M.; Lee, Yeonwoo; Thompson, John; Yong, Su;

EUSIPCO, Viena, Austria, 2004

Optimising The Implementation Of A Fft-Based Multicarrier Cdma Receiver

Authors (alphabetically): Arslan, Tughrul; Erdogan, Ahmet; Grant, P.M.; McCormick, Andrew; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Toulouse, France, 2002

An Equal Gain Combining Dpsk Mc-Cdma System For Fast Fading Mobile Downlink Channels

Authors (alphabetically): Grant, P.M.; Mccormick, A.C.; Thompson, John;

EUSIPCO, Tampere, Finland, 2000