EURASIP Open Library
Conference proceedings 1996-2017
By Year
- Alshebeili, Saleh
- Apolinario, J.A.
- Apolinário Jr., José
- Arablouei, Reza
- Baghaie, Ramin
- Campos, Marcello
- Cheong, Mei Yen
- Cousseau, Juan Edmundo
- Diniz, Paulo
- Dogancay, Kutluyil
- Figueroa, Jose
- González, Gustavo
- Gregorio, Fernando Hugo
- Jr., J.A. Apolinario
- Koivunen, Visa
- Laakso, T.I.
- Lundén, Jarmo
- Ramos, Antonio
- Ribeiro, Francisco
- Shoaib, Mobien
- Wichman, Risto
- With, Matias
- de-Campos, M. L. R.
All publications by Werner, Stefan displayed in reverse chronological order (clear)
Event-Triggered Real-Time Metering In Smart Grids
Authors (alphabetically): Lundén, Jarmo; Werner, Stefan;EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015
Recursive Total Least-Squares Estimation Of Frequency In Three-Phase Power Systems
Authors (alphabetically): Arablouei, Reza; Dogancay, Kutluyil; Werner, Stefan;EUSIPCO, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014
Distributed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing With Selective Updating
Authors (alphabetically): Campos, Marcello; Ribeiro, Francisco; Werner, Stefan;EUSIPCO, Bucharest, Romania, 2012
Cyclostationary Autocorrelation Based Cfo Estimators
Authors (alphabetically): Cousseau, Juan Edmundo; González, Gustavo; Gregorio, Fernando Hugo; Werner, Stefan; Wichman, Risto;EUSIPCO, Barcelona, Spain, 2011
Multi-Input Multi-Output Fast Qr Decomposition Algorithm For Active Noise Control
Authors (alphabetically): Alshebeili, Saleh; Apolinário Jr., José; Shoaib, Mobien; Werner, Stefan;EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009
Multichannel Fast Qr-Decomposition Rls Algorithms With Explicit Weight Extraction
Authors (alphabetically): Apolinário Jr., José; Shoaib, Mobien; Werner, Stefan;EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006
Authors (alphabetically): Cheong, Mei Yen; Cousseau, Juan Edmundo; Figueroa, Jose; Laakso, T.I.; Werner, Stefan;
EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006
A Set-Membership Approach To Normalized Proportionate Adaptation Algorithms
Authors (alphabetically): Apolinario, J.A.; Diniz, Paulo; Laakso, T.I.; Werner, Stefan;EUSIPCO, Antalya, Turkey, 2005
A General Approach To The Derivation Of Block Multichannel Fast Qrd-Rls Algorithms
Authors (alphabetically): Apolinario, J.A.; Ramos, Antonio; Werner, Stefan;EUSIPCO, Antalya, Turkey, 2005
Householder Based Low-Rank Space-Time Processor For Anti-Jamming Navigation Receivers
Authors (alphabetically): Koivunen, Visa; Werner, Stefan; With, Matias;EUSIPCO, Viena, Austria, 2004
Kalman-Filter Based Chip Estimator For Wcdma Downlink Detection
Authors (alphabetically): Apolinario, J.A.; Werner, Stefan; de-Campos, M. L. R.;EUSIPCO, Tampere, Finland, 2000
Constrained Normalized Adaptive Filters For Cdma Mobile Communications
Authors (alphabetically): Diniz, Paulo; Jr., J.A. Apolinario; Laakso, T.I.; Werner, Stefan;EUSIPCO, Rhodes, Greece, 1998
Authors (alphabetically): Baghaie, Ramin; Laakso, T.I.; Werner, Stefan;
EUSIPCO, Rhodes, Greece, 1998