EURASIP Open Library

Conference proceedings 1996-2017

By Year


All publications by Nguyen, Ngoc Hung displayed in reverse chronological order (clear)

Low-Complexity Weighted Pseudolinear Estimator For Tdoa Localization With Systematic Error Correction

Authors (alphabetically): Dogancay, Kutluyil; Nguyen, Ngoc Hung;

EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, 2016

Optimal Sensor-Target Geometries For Doppler-Shift Target Localization

Authors (alphabetically): Dogancay, Kutluyil; Nguyen, Ngoc Hung;

EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015

Adaptive Waveform Selection And Target Tracking By Wideband Multistatic Radar/Sonar Systems

Authors (alphabetically): Davis, Linda; Dogancay, Kutluyil; Nguyen, Ngoc Hung;

EUSIPCO, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014