EURASIP Open Library

Conference proceedings 1996-2017

All publications by Abramovich, Y.I. displayed in reverse chronological order (clear)

Maximum Likelihood And Robust G-Music Performance In K-Distributed Noise

Authors (alphabetically): Abramovich, Y.I.; Besson, O.; Johnson, Ben;

EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015

Oversampled Receive Array Calibration

Authors (alphabetically): Abramovich, Y.I.; San Antonio, Geoffrey;

EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015

Transmit And Receive Antenna Array Geometries For Mode Selective Hf Oth Mimo Radar

Authors (alphabetically): Abramovich, Y.I.; Frazer, Gordon; Johnson, Ben;

EUSIPCO, Aalborg, Denmark, 2010

Statistical Nonidentifiability Of Close Emitters: Maximum-Likelihood Estimation Breakdown

Authors (alphabetically): Abramovich, Y.I.; Johnson, Ben; Spencer, N.K.;

EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, 2009

Semi-Blind Interference Cancellation With Distributed Training

Authors (alphabetically): Abramovich, Y.I.; Kuzminskiy, Alexandr;

EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, 2007

Glrt-Based Detection-Estimation Of Gaussian Signals In Under-Sampled Training Conditions

Authors (alphabetically): Abramovich, Y.I.; Johnson, Ben;

EUSIPCO, Florence, Italy, 2006

Doa Estimation Performance Breakdown: A New Approach To Prediction And Cure

Authors (alphabetically): Abramovich, Y.I.; Spencer, N.K.;

EUSIPCO, Toulouse, France, 2002

Doa Outlier Mitigation For Generalised Spatial Smoothing

Authors (alphabetically): Abramovich, Y.I.; Spencer, N.K.;

EUSIPCO, Rhodes, Greece, 1998

Comparison Of Doa Estimation Performance For Various Types Of Sparse Antenna Array Geometries

Authors (alphabetically): Abramovich, Y.I.; Gorokhov, A.; Gray, D.A.; Spencer, N.K.;

EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, 1996

Experimental Verification Of A Generalized Multivariate Propagation Model For Ionospheric Hf Signals

Authors (alphabetically): Abramovich, Y.I.; Demeure, C.; Gorokhov, A.;

EUSIPCO, Trieste, Italy, 1996