EURASIP Open Library
Conference proceedings 1996-2017
By Year
All publications by Jacques, Laurent displayed in reverse chronological order (clear)
Image Deconvolution By Local Order Preservation Of Pixels Values
Authors (alphabetically): Guerit, Stephanie; Jacques, Laurent; Lee, John;EUSIPCO, Budapest, Hungary, 2016
Post-Reconstruction Deconvolution Of Pet Images By Total Generalized Variation Regularization
Authors (alphabetically): Guerit, Stephanie; Jacques, Laurent; Lee, John; Macq, Benot;EUSIPCO, Nice, France, 2015
Quantized Iterative Hard Thresholding: Bridging 1bit And Highresolution Quantized Compressed Sensing
Authors (alphabetically): De Vleeschouwer, Christophe; Degraux, Kévin; Jacques, Laurent;SampTA, Bremen, Germany, 2013
Compressive Acquisition Of Sparse Deflectometric Maps
Authors (alphabetically): Antoine, Philippe; Dubois, Xavier; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Adriana; Jacques, Laurent; Joannes, Luc; Sudhakar, Prasad;SampTA, Bremen, Germany, 2013
Shape From Texture For Omnidirectional Images
Authors (alphabetically): Bagnato, Luigi; Jacques, Laurent; Vandergheynst, Pierre; de Vito, Eugenio;EUSIPCO, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2008
Discrete Wavelet Frames On The Sphere
Authors (alphabetically): Antoine, Jean-Pierre; Bogdanova, Iva; Jacques, Laurent; Morvidone, Marcela; Vandergheynst, Pierre;EUSIPCO, Viena, Austria, 2004
The Multiselectivity Scheme: A Pyramidal Organization Of Wavelets With Variable Angular Selectivity
Authors (alphabetically): Antoine, Jean-Pierre; Jacques, Laurent;EUSIPCO, Viena, Austria, 2004